In the Department tab of the system you can:
- Create New Users in MoveBoard (for more information choose one of the options below):
1.1. How to Create an Owner;
1.2. How to Create a Manager / Sales / Customer Service;
1.3. How to Create a Foreman;
1.4. How to Create a Helper / Driver. - Change any Employee Information you need for the already created staff.
To get into Department in the system go to Settings > Department:
Can I change the names of the departments?
No, you cannot, but right now we are working on building this feature in the future.
All moving companies have more or less the same names of the departments, so you can only create users you need in a corresponding department.
What is the difference between departments?
In fact, all departments can be divided into 4 groups:
- Owner who is basically the main person, who controls all the processes and can use all tools of MoveBoard. So, when creating the Owner you will not see Rates & Commission or Permissions tabs:
- Manager / Sales / Customer Service. In fact, these positions are “the same for MoveBoard” having the same tabs with the same settings, so it is up to you to decide how to deal with them, for example, give more Permissions to a Manager on their Account Page, create different Rates & Commission, etc.:
- Foreman. The main differences are:
– fewer tabs and, as a result, fewer tools available for them in MoveBoard. In fact, they have only two tabs – New Jobs and Done Jobs:
– different Rates & Commission tab (you can choose between Estimated Price and Closing Price): - Driver / Helper. They have only 2 tabs to fill in: Employee Details and Rates & Commission:
MIND: Neither Drivers nor Helpers have their Accounts in MoveBoard!
They have to be created in the Department for you to be able to assign them to a Job and to make the correct records on a payroll.