In order to update the map, you have to click or choose the State for which you are ready to make long distance moving, for example, let’s click on one State (Montana, MT) and update it:
As you opened your desired state you will see a new pop-up window in the right side of your screen, which has to be completed based on your criteria.
1. First of all, you have to put a check mark on “moves for this state” place, if you are going to arrange movings to this state.
2. In “days for delivery“, you provide the number of business days for delivery. This information will appear only on the moveBoard page when you go into the request:
After the customer chooses the first available delivery date, the “Delivery Days” will be automatically added to the first date in the “Delivery Window” to create a delivery range. In our case, we add 5 business days to our first date 31st October, as a result, our latest delivery date is November 7th in the “Delivery Window”. This information will also be reflected on the account page of the client as shown in the picture above (right side).
3. “Average days for delivery” means how many days in average it may take to complete moving to current State. This information appears in account page of your clients, for this, you have to place the mouse on delivery window tooltip on the account page request. Then there will appear a pop-up window with “average days” delivery information updated in your long distance settings:
4. You set minimum cubic feet (c.f.) for long distance moves. In other words, minimum c.f. means that you set a minimum price for your long distance move. For example, if you set minimum c.f. as 300, and the moving inventory of your customer is 200 cbf, you will charge them at 300 cbf cost. Also, note if you don’t set up minimum c.f., the current c.f. will be charged in accordance with the rate per c.f.
5. This button gives you an opportunity to enable or disable the fixed price for minimum cbf.
6. After enabling “set price for minimum cbf” option, you can set your desired price for minimum cbf charge.
7. Here, you have to set the price per c.f. Note: if you turn off the minimum price option (shown in clause 5 above), the quote for c.f. will be calculated based on the rate provided in current clause 7.
8. There is also another option which is called “set less price for big transits“, this option can be used only in case if you set price for additional cbf:
As soon as you set the price for add. c.f. you can see that “set less price for big transits” button will get in green color, afterward by pressing on it you can provide more variety options for additional prices:
9. The last criterion which may be updated for the state is the rate provided for districts separately. For example, in current state MT, we have only one district area code 406 and there is no reason to provide price next to 406 if you have already updated clause 7 above. Also, district area codes are shown in another map, below the main map for your convenience:
For example, if you click on Pennsylvania (PA) state, you can see the current district area codes (shown in the red box on the right side). Further below the main map, there will appear a map of district areas within the state:
After seeing the location of area codes in the map, you can set your desired rates for each of them by just updating the box next to the number as shown below:
Note: The price by districts can be updated only in case if you don’t update “state price for additional c.f.”
Now you can try on your own to set up your map. Good luck!