In MoveBoard you can make your own Arrival Time Window and have a possibility to hide or show Arrival Time on a Client’s Account Page.

When a Request is created, by default, the system creates a Start Time Window of a Job from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, which means for a Client that your Movers can come any time:
Arrival Time Window feature is especially good for the Trucks having several Jobs a day when it is quite difficult to predict the exact Arrival Time (for instance, the previous Job can be completed earlier or later than it had been planned):
If you want to provide your Clients with your own Arrival Time Window in the Request form go to Settings tab > Account Page > add your own Arrival Time:
Your Clients will have the following view of the Arrival Time Window on their Account Page:
If you want to hide Arrival Time on your Client’s Account Page in the Request form go to Settings tab > Account Page > leave “Arrival Window” field empty and make sure “Show on account page” function is enabled:
After this Arrival Time is hidden for your Clients:
NOTE: If you use Arrival Time Window feature, Start Time Window in the Request ID tab is blocked and there is a tooltip reminding you of it: